By clicking here, you can download the draft prepared according to the rules of the journal and place your article in this draft according to the instructions shown below.
- At the beginning of the article, at least 150 maximum 300 words in Turkish and English abstract, 5-word keywords in Turkish and English; Turkish and English (secondary language) titles should be included. The abstract should be informative about the scope, purpose, method, effects and results of the study. (Although the ‘Abstract’ section is not compulsory in translated publications, there is no word limit if there is an ‘Abstract’ in the original text).
- When the manuscript is sent to the journal for the first time, it should not include information such as author name, footnote title, office and e-mail address. This information will be added by the editor to the manuscript after the manuscript has been submitted by the editor, as it is already visible by the editor. Therefore, when the manuscripts are entered into the system, it should be checked that any information belonging to the author is not included in the article. This aspect is important to allow the journal referees to review the article more easily.
- Researcher identification numbers are used in order to prevent some problems arising from the similarities between the names / institutions in the scientific studies of scientists and academicians. Within the scope of the studies carried out with the cooperation between TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM and YÖK, it was decided to use ORCID information. Authors who submit articles to our journal are required to submit their ORCID ID numbers to the editor together with the article texts. The work of the authors who do not submit the ORCID number will not be published.
- Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word. You can easily copy the article you have prepared for the draft that you can find on the web page of Uyghur Studies Journal. After you paste your text in the draft, you only need to select the “Keep text” option.
- Manuscripts should be structured in the Microsoft Word program so that the page structure is as follows:
Paper Size | Length: 21 cm Height: 29,7 cm |
Top Margin | 3 cm |
Bottom Margin | 3 cm |
Left Margin | 3 cm |
Right Margin | 3 cm |
Body Text | |
Font | Cambria |
Font Style | Normal (Justified) |
Size (normal text) | 11pt (Cambria) |
Size (footnote text) | 9pt (Cambria) |
Paragraph Range | First 0 nk, Later 6 nk |
Line gap | Single (1) |
Abstract Text | |
Font | Cambria |
Font Style | İtalic (Justified) |
Size | 9 (Cambria) |
Recess | Right: 2 cm, Left: 2 cm |
- For fonts that use a custom font, the used font must also be submitted in writing.
- Manuscripts should not include details such as page number, header and footer.
- At the beginning of the paragraphs should not include indentation and between paragraphs should not include
- Each word of the headings in the article should be written in bold and only the first letters in large format, other formatting should not be included.
- In terms of spelling and punctuation, except in special cases required by the article or subject, the Spelling of Turkish Language Institution should be taken as a basis.
- In-text and end-of-text attachments such as tables, pictures and photographs to be included in the article should be made according to the formal addition procedures of the Word program; copy and paste should not be used. It is important to note that the inserts are compatible with the page format properties of the text.
Source in text;
Reference within the text should be done in accordance with the APA System.
- All references in the main text are indicated by an in-text citation system.
- All references must be shown in parentheses according to the Apa system.
- For the explanations in the text, the subpage footnote method should be used.
- If the name of the cited author is mentioned in the text, there is no need to repeat the name of the author in parenthesis.
Example: Boratav (1984: 25) states that these narratives are 34.
- If the referenced source has two authors, the surnames of both authors should be used.
Example: (Günay and Güngör, 2011: 72)
- If the authors are more than two, the phrase “et al.” (and others) should be used after the first author’s last name.
Example: (Oğuz et al., 2010: 57)
- If the referenced resources are more than one, the references must be separated by semicolons.
Example: (Ekici, 1998: 47; Öger, 2008: 109)
- If the archive documents are used in the text, references to these documents should be stated in Document-1 or Archive-1 order and archival document information should be written in front of the related phrase in the bibliography.
- If the information received from the oral sources are given in the text, the references should be stated as SP-1 in terms of the Source Person, In the Resources section of the study, each source person’s information should be specified in the way of compliance with the sending code made in the text under the Oral Resources subheading.
- If the information in the text is taken from internet sources, references should be specified as (URL-1, URL-2 …), each quote extension under the Electronic Resources subheading in the resources section of the study should be specified in the way that the citation code is matched in the text.
- References should be given only in the bibliography and the alphabetical order should be followed according to the surname of the author.
- If more than one work of an author is to be included in the bibliography, a new ranking should be made according to the date of publication.
- “a, b, c, …” should be used for the same year works and they should be the same in the text.
Example: (1980a, 1980b)
ÖZDEMİR, Nebi. (2008). Medya Kültür ve Edebiyat. Ankara: Geleneksel Yayıncılık.
Translated Book:
COCCHIARA, Giuseppe. (2017). Avrupa’da Folklor Tarihi. (Translator: Yerke Özer), Ankara: Geleneksel Yayınları.
Book with two authors:
ERGUN, Metin ve AÇA, Mehmet. (2005). Tıva Kahramanlık Destanları-1. Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları.
GÜNAY, Ünver ve GÜNGÖR, Harun. (2011). Türklerin Dinî Tarihi. İstanbul: Rağbet Yayınları.
Books that more than two authors:
OĞUZ, M. Öcal et al. (2010).Türk Halk Edebiyatı El Kitabı. Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları.
BAYRAM, Bülent. (2006). “Oğuz Epik Anlatmaları ve Çuvaş Alp Hikayeleri’nde Kutsal Kurt ve Tepegöz”. Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri Dergisi, 6(1), s. 27-35.
Unpublished Thesis:
ÖGER, Adem. (2008). Uygur Efsaneleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (İnceleme-Metinler). Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü.
İNAYET, Alimcan. (2011). “Köroğlu Destanı’nın Uygur ve Özbek Varyantlarına Göre Göroğlu/Köroğlu’nun Doğumu”. Dede Korkut ve Geçmişten Geleceğe Türk Destanları Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildirileri. (Ed.: Yılmaz Yeşil), s. 433-440, Ankara: TÜRKSOY.
Internet Resources:
* URL-1: “Folklore on the Internet”. (Access: 14.11.2018)
* Hufford, Mary (1991). “American Folklife: A Commonwealth of Cultures”. (Access: 17.06.2014)
Archive Resources:
Document-1/Archive-1: BOA-Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA, DH.EUM.EMN, no: 3, 19.Ş.1330); BCA: Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi (BCA, 1927)
Oral Resources:
SP-1: Mustafa Mutlu, İstanbul 1935, Primary school graduate, Retired. (Interview: 12.06.2014)